講題 Title:
The Other Struggle: towards a new world schema 另一種掙扎?:朝向一個新的世界圖示
講者 Speaker:
Jon Solomon 蘇哲安
Professor of Chinese Literature, University of Lyon, France
講者介紹 Introduction of the speaker:
Jon Solomon,1962年出生於美國,1984年畢業於布朗大學,1997年獲頒康奈爾大學現代中國文學博士,中英日法四國語言流利。曾任教於台灣藝術大學、淡江大學、台灣國立交通大學、香港中文大學、加拿大麥紀爾大學等校,現為法國里昂第三大學中文系終身教授。研究領域包括主權與生命政治、國族主義與全球化、後殖民主義、種族主義、現代中國文學等。
Jon Solomon, born in the United States in 1962, graduated from Brown University in 1984, and received a Ph.D. in Modern Chinese Literature from Cornell University in 1997. He is fluent in Chinese, English, Japanese and French. He has taught at National Taiwan University of the Arts, Tamkang University, National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, Chinese University of Hong Kong, McGill University in Canada, etc. He is now a tenured professor of the Chinese Department of the University of Lyon III in France. Research areas include sovereignty and biopolitics, nationalism and globalization, postcolonialism, racism, modern Chinese literature, etc.
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