講題 Title:

The Flood: a very ancient and current representation of catastrophe 洪水:既古老又現代的災難表現形式

講者 Speaker:

Luca Salza


Assistant Professor in Foreign Languages, University of Lille, France

講者介紹 Introduction of the speaker:

Luca Salza在義大利那不勒斯腓特烈二世大學接受哲學本科訓練,之後在那不勒斯腓特烈二世大學和圖爾高等文藝復興研究中心的聯合指導下,於法國圖爾大學獲得博士學位。


Luca Salza trained at the "Federico II" University of Naples, in Philosophy, and he graduated from University of Tours with a doctoral degree, in joint supervision between the University Federico II in Naples and the Center for Higher Renaissance Studies in Tours.

Prof. Salza's research interests are varied. His research areas include Renaissance, world literature, migrant literature, war, deposing power, philosophy, and Italy(ies).


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