講題 Title:
Running Out of Time, Now 現在,時間不多了
講者 Speaker:
Diane Morgan
Lecturer in Philosophy and Cultural Studies, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
講者介紹 Introduction of the speaker:
Diane Morgan博士在英國薩塞克斯大學歐洲研究學院的第一個學位是英語和德語。她也曾在德國柏林自由大學修習比較文學。她繼續在英國薩塞克斯攻讀批判理論碩士學位,隨後攻讀康德哲學博士學位。
Dr. Diane Morgan's first degree was in English with German in the School of European Studies, University of Sussex. She was also a student at the Freie Universitaet, W. Berlin where she studied Comparative Literature. She continued at Sussex for her M.A in Critical Theory and subsequently her D.Phil on Kant.
She has been at the University of Leeds since 2015, having previously taught at the American University of Paris, the University of Teesside and University College Northampton.
Her research interests include C18th European Enlightenment (especially German), Kantian philosophy, European modernism (especially French and German), Cultural & Critical theory, Aesthetic theory (especially in relation to architecture), Utopian studies (especially 19th French Utopian Socialism), and Ecology and Animal Studies.
※The video is for teaching purpose and may not be quoted, reproduced, adapted or transcribed without permission of the author and the lecturer.